2011년 3월 23일 수요일

3 quotes of inspiration from Chapter 3 - 2011/03/21(Mon.)

▶ We define ourselves by our professions, our income, where we live, the car we drive, our education, and even by our horoscope. Each definition locks us into specific assumptions about who we are and what we can do.

▶ One of the biggest obstacles taking on "impossible tasks" is that others are often quick to tell you they can't be accomplished.

▶ The sole rule is that you are limited only by your energy and imagination.

댓글 2개:

  1. To me, first quote is very impressive.
    Maybe I'm one of them.. it's very sad :) I will try to change myself!

  2. Maybe, most people act like the first quote. Very sad point, but it is also true that there aren't many information about each person without that kind of things, if people meet at the first time.
