2011년 3월 23일 수요일

Livingstone & Stanley - 2011/03/21(Mon.)

                          Henry Stanley                     David Livingstone

Scientists have deciphered a letter written by Dr. David Livingstone. It was written while he was on an expedition on the Nile River in 1871.

Dr. Livingstone was well known in Britain for his expeditions in Africa. He first went there as a missionary.

He was the first European person to see the huge waterfalls on the Zambezi River. The waterfalls are on the modern-day border between Zambia and Zimbabwe. Dr. Livingstone called them the Victoria Falls after Queen Victoria.

He also led the first group to successfully cross the middle of the African continent. This is from the Atlantic Ocean coast to the Indian Ocean.

In 1866, Dr. Livingstone set out to find the source of the Nile River. Many of the local people traveling with him left and all his supplies were stolen. He then became very ill with tropical diseases.

Henry Stanley, a journalist, went to look for Dr. Livingstone. They met in 1871 in Ujiji. Mr. Stanley greeted Dr. Livingstone with the now famous words “Dr. Livingstone, I presume?” He replied, “Yes, and I feel thankful that I am here to welcome you”.

Dr. Livingstone refused to leave with Mr. Stanley. He insisted on finishing his expedition. Many think that his illnesses affected his decision. He died two years later. He was buried in Westminster Abbey in London.

The deciphered letter is believed to have been brought back by Mr. Stanley. It is addressed to a friend of Dr. Livingstone. He wrote on torn out pages from books and old newspapers. He made ink from the juice of berries. The writing has now completely faded.

Scientists used special imaging machines to “see” the faded writing. They separated it from the printed text of the books and newspapers. In the letter, Dr. Livingstone admits he is very ill. He asks his friend not to tell anyone. He also says that he has lost many teeth, and that it is unlikely that his friend will ever see him again.

The scientists now plan to use the same techniques to read a diary he kept between 1870 and 1871.

댓글 3개:

  1. Thanks for the information!!
    Good luck!!

  2. Wow, you summarized the story very well!
    I delayed this assignment because I couldn't organize it simply T-T.

  3. ^-^/ ma pleasure!!~

    lovejieun7/ Thx. you can do it:)
