2011년 4월 10일 일요일

3 quotes of inspiration from Chapter 4 - 2011/04/04(Mon.)

▶ "There are always opportunities waiting to be exploited. Instead of waiting ti be asked and tiptoeing around an opportunity, seize it."

▶ "If you want a leadership role, them take on leadership roles. Just give yourself permission to do so. Look around for holes in your organization, ask for what you  want, find ways to leverage your skills and experiences, be willing to make the first move and stretch beyond what you have dine before."

▶ "There are always opportunities waiting to be exploited. Instead of waiting ti be asked and tiptoeing around an opportunity, seize it."

댓글 2개:

  1. Oh, maybe the first and the third quotes are the same... then you have only two! :)

  2. So impressive quotes! I like them all!! :D
