2011년 4월 2일 토요일

Spoken Word Poetry - 2011/03/28(Mon.)

Dear Angel

For a girl who i really thought i cud share my heart with :/.. guess she wasnt lookin for my kinda love.. My Angel To the angel who seemed to enter my life from out of nowhere, I really hope you had a smooth landing on your fall down from heaven Its not too often that Christmas comes early for me so youll have to forgive me For I still question why God chose to bless me Its like a test, and hes probably trying to see how well I handle this situation Cause God knows man is far from flawless in this fraudulent world So I ask you for your patience At least until time slows down enough for our heartbeats to reach the same cadence Or at least until I find myself in your eyes, because every time I see you I seem to get lost in them So if you could write me another love note using my loose leaf lips as your paper Let the ink come from your heart so I can know exactly where your words are coming from And write it in that language of love that seems to have been mistranslated throughout time Attach it with directions to your heart that not even mapquest could find And seal it with your kiss Sometimes I feel as if A four letter word just isnt big enough to explain all the feelings I have for you You are more than just my daily thought and nightly prayer You are more than just attractive looks and prominent black hair You are life and meaning and so much more You give me wisdom and understanding with each unlocked door And you love me, which is more than I could ever ask for So dear angel who seemed to change my life for the better I pray someday I find the strength to carry us both back to heaven So I can spend more than just a life time with you I want to create a legacy that lives long after were both gone Like our own fairytale or song or movie or play But until then I want to love you in all the right ways like the way that Ill love our children And lastly my dear angel, if there ever comes a time when Doubt or fear knocks at your doorsteps Tell them what your father told me That a man with many flaws can still have faith, and believe So judge a tree by its fruits and not by its leaves; Tell them how much I love you, and how much you love me My heaven sent angel I thank you for everything For your heart Your love Your time Your hugs Your faith Your all I thank u From the bottom of my heart Forever yours.

When I read this spoken word, I thought this poem is mine.
Cuz I'm in love these days : )
just like my case!!

댓글 1개:

  1. I really envy you in the point that you are in love! :( Where is my love!!! ㅠㅠㅠ
