2011년 5월 29일 일요일

3 quotes of inspiration from Chapter 8 - 2011/05/16(Mon.)

▶ "Showing appreciation for the things others do for you has a profound effect on how you're perceived. Keep in mind that everything someone does for you has an opportunity cost."

▶ "One of the biggest things that people do to get in their own way is to take on way too many responsibilities. This eventually leads to frustration all the way around. Life is a huge buffet of enticing platters of possibilities, but putting too much on your plate just leads to indigestion. Just like a real buffet, in life you can do it all, just not at the same time."

▶ "With a little practice it's easy to avoid obstacles and potholes that people often place in their own path. One of the best ways is to always show appreciation to those who help you."

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