2011년 5월 11일 수요일

3 quotes of inspiration from Chapter 7 - 2011/05/09(Mon.)

▶ "You can make your own destiny by focusing on your goals and working incredibly hard."

▶ "In short, being observant, oen-minded, friendly, and optimistic invites luck your way."

▶ "Making one's own luck is ultimately ablut turning bad situations around and making good situations much better."

댓글 6개:

  1. The second one is same mine :0
    I think it is difficult to practice, is'n it?

  2. Umm.. Though I was reminded of some exceptions ,this chapter is wholely right in most situations.

  3. the last one is good.. and all of the sentences are very good to everyone.

  4. I think, the second quote is the collection of this chapter's subject.
    I love it!

  5. Yes I choose the second one as well

    Grealy done!

