2011년 5월 28일 토요일

"Turning lemons into lemonade" - 2011/05/11(Wed.)

Quyen Vuong:
She had nothing but her self-motivation to get out of poverty. She went to Yale with full scholarship and now she runs ICAN. She feels that by setting the table with time and effort you ensure that something appealing will land on your plate. Quyen's experience has taught her that, as she says, "You can make your own destiny by focusing on your goals and working incredibly hard."

Quincy Delight Jones III (QD3)
Just like Quyen, QD3 was driven to pull out of poverty, to be self-sufficient and, ultimately, the best in the world. He "taps the fire in his heart" to motivate himself, and once the flame spreads, charges ahead with incredible commitment and effort.

Perry klebahn
Perry turned a series of bad breaks-literal and figurative-into a winning streak by seeing opportunities and connecting the dots between his broken ankle, his desire to spend time in the snow, his new product design skills, and his astute observation that others would benefit from a better snowshoe. He ultimately made out well, but only after huge investments of time, energy, and perseverance.

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